About Me

Design in one way or another has been at the center of my life. I have always had a great passion for creating and making. Creativity combined with a penchant for problem solving has brought me full circle to which has now come to be known as User Experience Design.

Most recently (December of 2020), I have attained the goal of earning my Masters of Science in User Experience Design and User Interaction Design at Thomas Jefferson University (formerly Philadelphia University). This period of time was a challenging time but one filled with new opportunity for personal growth and an expansion of my skillset. Since my time at the university I have added the ability to storyboard, to create pretotypes (rough and very quick working study) and both low-fidelity and hi-fidelity prototypes, to conduct rapid validation experiments and to present my overall discovery and design process and ideas.

Some of my previous work and professional experiences include Graphic Design, Website Design and Development, HTML Email Design and Development. I have first and working knowledge and can hand-code in CSS and HTML. Also I have worked extensively with the Adobe Creative Suite since 2003 including Photoshop, Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Lightroom. Also as far as UX tools go, I have extensively worked with Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch and InVison Studio to prototype mobile and desktop experiences both in professional and school settings. I have some experience with Axure RP 9 as well. I have used text editors such as Atom, Sublime and Notepad++ for coding by hand. I have extensive work using Wordpress platform to create mobile, desktop and responsive websites with small businesses. Some other softwares include MAMP Pro, Microsoft Powerpoint, Word, Excel, Outlook, Mailchimp, Keynote, Processing, and Arduino. In addition I have held positions where I was responsible for Product Photography and high level editing with Photoshop on a daily basis.

In my personal life, I have a great appreciation for the Arts and frequent museums and try my best to express my individualism with photography and fine arts.

Contact me

Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

  • Philadelphia, PA, USA

  • +1 (484) 540-5254‬

  • mike@wmmichaelcrook.com